The Truth Files – Kindness in a World of Selfishness

What does kindness look like in a world so full of cruelty?

We see headlines every day that reveal how much our world is hurting—division, violence, and hatred seem to dominate. But Jesus offers a different way. Kindness isn’t weakness; it’s love in action, and it has the power to soften hearts, rebuild trust, and reflect the heart of God to a broken world.

In this message, we explore Kindness in a World of Selfishness, part of our Truth Files series. Together, we’ll uncover how kindness flows from the Spirit of God and how it’s essential for transforming not only our relationships but the world around us. We’ll see how Jesus Himself demonstrates kindness to us—understanding our weaknesses, telling us the truth in love, forgiving every failure, and affirming our worth—and learn how we can reflect that same kindness to others. Kindness isn’t optional for followers of Christ; it’s at the heart of what it means to live a life that stands out.

If you missed the live service or want to reflect further, you can watch the full message above anytime after. We’ve also included discussion questions to dig deeper into the message and a handout with fill-ins to guide your reflection. You can find the handout by clicking the “Download” button above. Whether you watch this on your own or share it with your small group, we hope this message encourages you.

Discussion Questions

  1. What does it mean to you that kindness is “love in action”? Can you think of an example where you’ve seen this lived out?
  2. Why do you think Jesus emphasized love and kindness as the foundation of our faith and relationships?
  3. How does understanding someone’s weaknesses help us show them kindness? Can you share a time when this has been true for you?
  4. Why is it sometimes difficult to tell the truth to someone in a kind way? What can we do to make truth-telling more loving?
  5. How has God’s forgiveness shaped the way you forgive others? Is there someone in your life you need to forgive?
  6. What does it mean to affirm someone’s worth, and why is this an important part of kindness?
  7. When Jesus says, “Do as I have done to you,” what stands out to you most about His example of kindness?
  8. Why do you think people often settle for surface-level kindness instead of practicing the deeper, sacrificial kindness Jesus modeled?
  9. What are some practical ways we can show kindness to the people we interact with daily, including those who are hard to love?
  10. How does experiencing God’s kindness toward us equip us to share that kindness with others?
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